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  • Ishkashim gabion weaving centre in Badakhshan, Afghanistan.
  • As part of school safety in Afghanistan, AKAH retrofits schools to withstand the tremors of potential earthquakes.
  • A water pump constructed by AKDN agencies to provide villagers in Gazar, Doshi District, Afghanistan with access to clean water.
    AKDN / Jean-Luc Ray
  • In Pul-i-Khumri, Afghanistan, AKAH constructed a pump house by the river and a reservoir on the heights, to supply water to the Silo area of the city. The system pumps eight litres of water per second from a bore well up to 45 metres deep. In the area supplied by this scheme, 800 families can benefit from tap water.
    AKDN / Jean-Luc Ray
  • AKAH implements terracing and plantation projects to reduce the risk of avalanches. Khahdara village, Shukai District, Afghanistan.

In Afghanistan, the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) − previously Focus Humanitarian Assistance − engages with communities living in remote mountainous areas to increase their resilience to natural disasters and complex emergencies.  The Aga Khan Agency for Habitat also supports communities to utilize an enabling habitat to enhance their health, education and economic development. 

The approach is to predict where possible potential emergencies may impact homes and livelihoods, identify structural and non-structural interventions that can prevent or mitigate the impact of those hazards, and to build the capacities of communities and local and national governments to reduce their vulnerability to risk and to increase their capacities to help their neighbours.  

To enable this, AKAH implements a wide range of disaster prevention and response initiatives in local communities, including disaster preparedness trainings, vulnerability assessments, risk mitigation activities and disaster relief efforts.