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  • Bujagali Energy Limited (BEL) was set up as a public-private partnership bringing together the Government of Uganda, Industrial Promotion Services (the infrastructure arm of the Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development), Sithe Global (a company majority-owned by the Blackstone Group) and Jubilee Insurance.

The Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) and its agencies actively seek to cooperate with like-minded institutions in the design, implementation and funding of innovative development projects. They therefore need and welcome institutions and individuals throughout the world as partners to attain shared objectives. Individual AKDN agencies also work closely with local, state and national governments in each country in which they are active. The following institutional partners contributed financially or materially to the programmes of individual AKDN agencies. Many more contributed practically and intellectually to their work. All of these contributions are gratefully acknowledged.

Agency for Assistance and Development of Afghanistan
Embassy of the United States
Government of Afghanistan

Austrian Development Cooperation

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, Australia
Australian Consulate Dubai
Australia High Commission

Burkina Faso
Government of Burkina Faso
Société de Fibres Textiles (Sofitex)
Union Nationale des Producteurs de Coton du Burkina Faso (UNPCB)

Concordia University
Department of Foreign Affairs, Trade and Developmen
Dundee Wealth Management
Dalhousie University
Focus Humanitarian Assistance Canada
Global Affairs Canada
Hospital for Sick Children
The Globe and Mail
International Development Research Centre (IDRC)
McGill University
MasterCard Foundation
Mount Saint Vincent University
Northwater Capital Management Inc.
Seneca College
University of Alberta
University of British Columbia
University of Calgary
University of Fraser Valley
University of Toronto
University of Victoria
Wild Rose Foundation of Alberta

Côte d’Ivoire
Bicici (BNP Paribas)
Government of Côte d’Ivoire

Czech Republic
Government of the Czech Republic
People in Need

Danish International Development Agency
Government of Denmark

Democratic Republic of Congo
Government of the Democratic Republic of Congo

Government of Egypt
Governorate of Cairo
Governorate of Aswan
Global Affairs Canada
Local Cooperation Fund of the Embassy of Finland in Cairo
European Union
Johnson & Johnson

European Commission
European Community Humanitarian Office (ECHO)

Government of Finland

Agence Française de Développement (AFD)
BNP Paribas
Bolloré Group
Electricité de France
Embassy of France, Pakistan
Société Générale
Société de Promotion et de Participation pour la Coopération Economique (PROPARCO)

Bundesministerium für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung (BMZ)
Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ)
Government of Germany
Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau (KfW)

Government of Greece

Asian Paints Ltd.
Bharat Rural Livelihoods Foundation
Bihar Mahadalit Vikas Mission
Coastal Salinity Prevention Cell
Cotton Connect
Development Support Agency of Gujarat
Embassy of the United States
Government of India
Governments of the States of Gujarat, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh, Delhi
GRUH Finance Ltd.
Unilever Foundation
Housing Development Finance Corporation Ltd. (HDFC)
India-Canada Environment Facility (ICEF)
Interglobe Foundation
Jamset Ji Tata Trust
Microsoft India
National Bank for Agriculture and Rural Development
Pro Poor Livestock Policy Programme
Rizwan Adatia Foundation
SDV International Logistics Limited
Sir Ratan Tata Trust
Small Farmers Agribusiness Consortium
The Hans Foundation Water and Sanitation Management Group
Working Group for Women and Land Ownership
Youth for India

Africa Brazil Agricultural Innovation Marketplace

Government of Japan
Japan International Cooperation Agency
Japan Social Development Fund (JSF)

Adam Smith International
Government of Kenya
Rahimtulla Trust
World Agroforestry Centre

Government of Kazakhstan

Kyrgyz Republic
Government of the Kyrgyz Republic

Palm Oil Research Institute

Government of Mali
Embassy of the Netherlands

Government of Mozambique
Embassy of Japan Mechanismo de Apoio a Sociedade Civil

African Development Bank (AfDB)
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Bank of Africa (BOA)
East African Development Bank (EADB)
European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)
European Commission European Investment Bank (EIB)
UN Food and Agriculture
International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
International Development Association (IDA)
International Development Corporation (IDC)
International Finance Corporation (IFC)
Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MGA)
The World Bank
UN Education, Scientific & Cultural Organisation (UNESCO)
UN Children’s Fund (UNICEF)
UN Development Programme (UNDP)
UN High Commissioner for Refugees
UN World Food Programme
UN World Health Organization (WHO)

Principauté de Monaco
Monaco Telecom International

International Centre for Integrated Mountain Development

The Netherlands
Bernard van Leer Foundation
Dutch Interchurch Aid (Stichting Oecumenische Hulp)
Government of The Netherlands
ICCO Interchurch Organization for International Development Cooperation
Nederlandse Financieringsmaatschappij voor Ontwikkelingslanden (FMO)
Netherlands Organization for International Development Cooperation (NOVIB)
UTA Holding

New Zealand
Government of New Zealand

Government of Norway
IMTEC (The International Learning Cooperative Josefinesgt)
Norwegian Agency for International Development (NORAD)
Norwegian Fund for Developing Countries (Norfund)
Embassy of Norway

Durain Cassim
Family Planning Association of Pakistan
Government of Pakistan
Governments of the North West Frontier
HEJ Research Institute of Chemistry
Intercooperation Pakistan
International Maiz and Wheat Improvement Centre
Pakistan Poverty Alleviation Fund
Pakistan Science Foundation
Pakistan Medical Research Council
Provinces of Balochistan and Sindh
Rural Support Programmes Network

De La Salle University

Autonomous University of Madrid – Institute of Migration, Ethnicity and Social development
Bissaya Barreto Foundation

Calouste Gulbenkian FoundationGovernment of Portugal
Camões Portuguese Cooperation Institute
Catholic University of Portugal
European Commission
High Commission for Migration (ACM)
Holy House of Mercy Lisbon
International Medical Assistance Foundation - Portugal (AMI)
Johnson & Johnson Corporate Citizenship Trust Fund
JB Fernandes Memorial Trust
Living Science Agency
Ministry of Education
Municipality of Lisbon
Municipality of Oeiras
Municipality of Oporto
Municipality of Sintra
National Reading Plan
Patriarchate of Lisbon
Portuguese Catholic University
Portugal Social Innovation
Social Security Institute
University Institute of Psychological, Social and Life Sciences

Government of Spain
La Caixa Foundation

Asea Brown Boveri (ABB)
Swedfund International AB
Swedish International Development Agency (SIDA)

C&A Foundation Caritas Switzerland
Canton of Geneva
Government of Swiss Confederation
Helvetas Human Dignity Foundation
Paul Reinhart AG
Staatsekretariat für Wirtschaft (SECO)
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)

Government of Syria
Department of Antiquities
Municipality of Aleppo
Municipality of Masyaf

Embassy of Australia (in Moscow)
Government of Tajikistan
Hukumat of Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast

Government of Tanzania
Government of Zanzibar
Tanzanian Investment Bank Limited
Zanzibar Port Corporation

United Arab Emirates
Dubai Cares

Blackstone Financial Sector Deepening Trust Uganda
Government of Uganda
Sithe Global

United Kingdom
British Council
Cable and Wireless
Charity Projects
Christian Aid
Comic Relief
Commonwealth Development Corporation (CDC)
Darwin Initiative
Department for International Development (DFID)
Government of the United Kingdom
Integrity Action
Investors in Industry (3i)
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine
Save the Children Fund
Shell Foundation

ABB Inc - Equity Ventures
Andrew W. Mellon Foundation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Catholic Relief Services
Christensen Fund
Cinergy Global Power
Citigroup Foundation
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
Flora Family Foundation
Focus Humanitarian Assistance USA
Ford Foundation
Getty Grant Program
Ghangarosa International Health Foundation
Harvard University
Hewlett Foundation
International Foundation for Science
John Deere Pvt.
Johns Hopkins University
Johnson & Johnson
Macarthur Foundation
Margaret A. Cargill Foundation
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Office of Foreign Disaster Assistance
Rockefeller Foundation
Sithe Global
Smithsonian Institution
United States Agency for International Development (USAID)
United States Department of Agriculture
United States Department of State
United States Environmental Protection Agency
Whole Planet Foundation
World Aids Foundation
World Monuments Fund

In 2017, the Aga Khan Award for Architecture was 40 years old, making it the oldest major award in the field.
Over 9,000 building projects have been documented and are now available on  They range from rural schools to urban water towers, from state-of-the-art skyscrapers to modest mud-brick structures.
AKDN employs 96,000 people in over 30 countries around the world. AKDN also relies on thousands of volunteers to help implement and maintain its projects, notably at health and education facilities.