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  • Portugal's President Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa speaking at the inauguration ceremony of the Aga Khan Academy Maputo on 19 March 2022.
    AKDN / Akbar Hakim
Speech by President of the Portuguese Republic Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa

His Excellency the President of the Republic of Mozambique Filipe Jacinto Nyusi,

His Excellency Prince Rahim Aga Khan,

His Excellency President Joaquim Chissano,


Ladies and Gentlemen,

Young students of this Academy,

I was here in January of 2020, when the Academy was being born. I took the time to talk to the students about its present and its future. The Academy was yet to become what it is today. It was still in its inception, but now we can all start looking at its future. I told you then and I will tell you again: attending this Academy is a great privilege and a unique opportunity in your lives. It represents the vision of His Highness the Aga Khan, which has been passed on to His Highness Prince Rahim, and it is a vision made up of humanism, of respect for the individual, for the dignity of each individual, made of flesh and bone, with their own particularities, their own diverse paths and stories. This is a very rich way of experiencing Islam, one that believes there is an intimate connection between faith and social action. Humanism results from that dignity of the divine creation of the human being and that is why it is universal; that is why it is based on tolerance and dialogue, open and inclusive, and with a place for everyone. I often carry with me a quotation from the Qur’an, which says: "The blessings of your Lord reach everyone. No one shall be denied the blessings of your Lord." It is about being open to all religions, to those without one, to all beliefs, everywhere in the world. This is the vision that inspires the entire Aga Khan Development Network, both economically and socially, and also this Academy. A vision that has inspired the message of the Aga Khan Network all over the world: in education, health, social solidarity, supporting those in need, fraternity, dialogue, the gathering of cultures and civilizations. This is a reality we are familiar with in Portugal, where there is a strong Ismaili Community, a Community that has been the bearer of this message of humanism and fraternity.

This message is also very present in Mozambique, a country with an Ismaili Community that is also very strong, dynamic and courageous. And this Academy is, in its own way, the recognition of the importance of that Community. That is why we have here today the Presidents of the two States in representation of the two Peoples. The President of Mozambique testifying to the strength and the future of a great country, generous and open, one which would rather give than take. And the President of Portugal, who shares the same values and principles, in an atmosphere of fraternity. And we are both here, in the context of my visit to Mozambique, to thank His Highness Prince Rahim for his message, a message of future, one that will carry on a legacy. But none of us are what really matters in this celebration, not me, nor President Nyusi, nor President Chissano, a very important figure in the early days of this project, nor even His Highness Prince Rahim; what really matters are these young women and men who are here today. They are the raison d'être of the Academy, there is no Academy without students and youth. And what I want to tell you, picking up on our conversation two years ago, before the pandemic, is that you are privileged. 

There are millions of children and young people around the world who cannot attend an Academy like this. Millions in every country and every continent would like to be able to attend an Academy such as this one. That is a great responsibility you bear on your shoulders. The more you take the more you shall give to others. One's happiness can only be built with others in mind. And the only way to reward the millions that will never get to attend this school is to be the best and the most you can be. You have to be the best at grasping this opportunity that others will not have. The best at studying, learning and communicating, at living with those who are different and respecting them. And then you must be the best in building Mozambique. A country that shall be open to all religions, to those who have no religion, to all opinions, dreams and future projects. That is your duty. 

His Highness Prince Rahim came here to express that the Aga Khan's message enabled the construction of this Academy. But its success will depend on the success of each and every student that will pass through here. I wish you all the happiness in the world because your happiness is the happiness of Mozambique. If there is happiness in Mozambique, there is happiness in Portugal. In Africa. In the world. What we do in our lives has an impact on the whole world. It is your duty to learn from the message of His Highness the Aga Khan, embodied by His Highness Prince Rahim Aga Khan here today: be useful to the world, but start by being useful to Mozambique.