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Aga Khan Education Services

Stanford University students engage in innovation, creativity, and problem solving

Last summer, students at the Aga Khan Lycée in Khorog were encouraged to work together in a novel initiative delivered by two undergraduate students from Stanford University.  While immersing themselves in local culture, Faith Harron and Allison Armstrong taught the Makerspace curriculum at the Lycée, an Aga Khan Education Service (AKES) school.

Diamond Jubilee High School believes in only diamonds shine

The Aga Khan Education Services, India manage 8 schools, 33 Pre-Primary Schools, 15 Rural Primary Education Centers in the states of Telangana, Maharashtra and Gujarat along with a hostel in Hyderabad. Diamond Jubilee High School, Hyderabad does not believe in making students achieve only high grades but works on a holistic development of the children making them prepared to face any challenge in life and overcome them through their wisdom courage and compassion.

Diamond Jubilee High School: Zaheeruddin Ali Khan applauds efforts of Aga Khan Education Services

Diamond Jubilee High School, Hyderabad (India) recently organised its Annual Sports Day Function. Mr. Zaheeruddin Ali Khan, Managing Editor of the newspaper Siasat Urdu Daily and guest of honour at the event, said sport training inculcated sports spirit and ensured healthy and pleasant life. It also enhanced the resistance and promoted high ambition among students. He applauded the efforts of Dr. Sujata Gede, Principal of the school and her team who worked hard to bring the school to the top of the field of education.
