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Aga Khan Health Services

د آقاخان پراختیایي شبکې ځانګړې معلوماتي پاڼه: کرونا ویروس یا COVID-19

کرونا ویروس COVID-19 یون وی ویروس دی، چې پر دغه ویروس دک کړو وګړو د ټوخي یا پرنجي پر مهال د هغوي د خوېل د لیاړو د قطرو یا د پوزې دفا رازاتو د توییدو هل لارې نورو وګړو ته خپرېږي.ک رونا ویروس یا COVID-19 په واقعیک ېک توع مادي زکام یاا نفلوانزاهن ، بلکې تر هغه لا ډېرس هارين ارويغ دا هوک ولای شي چې ز

AKHS provides protective equipment to Tajikistan to prevent the spreading of coronavirus

The Aga Khan Health Services (AKHS) has sent medical personnel and equipment to the border crossing point on the Tajik-Chinese border to test people for coronavirus. It has also provided protective equipment and accessories to the Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Region. In addition, the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat has provided over USD $50,000 of protective equipment and medical accessories to Tajikistan.  

Improving cancer care in East Africa is extremely essential

The Tanzanian government and two partners, the Aga Khan Health Services and the French Development Agency, last year signed a 13.3 million Euros (about 14.8 million U.S. dollars) grant agreement and Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to improve cancer care in the East African nation. The funding will be run by the Tanzania Comprehensive Cancer Project (TCCP), an innovative public-private project aimed at enhancing cancer care in Tanzania. Under this funding, the French Development Agency will release a grant to the tune of 10 million Euros and 3.3 million Euros will be contributed by the Geneva-based Aga Khan Health Services, which is part of the Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN).

Initiative for maternal, child healthcare appreciated

On 24 December in Chitral, the Aga Khan Health Service Pakistan (AKHS,P) organised an event on ‘Mobile Health’. The speakers praised the AKHSP for using information technology to improve maternal, newborn and child healthcare in far-flung areas of Chitral district. They said community midwives were appointed and trained to improve neonatal health service, while the "Mobile-Health" system was introduced under a project to improve the people’s access to healthcare.



Cancer: early diagnosis is crucial to enhanced health

Regular cancer screening and early diagnosis are rare in Tanzania. Consequently, by the time a cancer victim arrives at a healthcare facility, the cancer is often at an advanced stage, says Dr Julius Mwaiselage, executive director of the Ocean Road Cancer Institute in Dar es Salaam. Recently, the Aga Khan Health Services and the French Development Agency signed an agreement to finance a four-year project known as the "Tanzania Comprehensive Cancer Project" (TCCP). The four-year TCCP, which starts in January 2020, will serve to accelerate performance in cancer screening, prevention and early detection, targeting low-income segments in Society through mobile outreach campaigns.

Sh38 billion cancer project to enhance cancer care in Tanzania launched

On 16 December the Tanzanian government, the Aga Khan Health Services and the French Development Agency signed a grant agreement and a Memorandum of Understanding worth €13.3 million for the Tanzania Comprehensive Cancer Project aiming at enhancing cancer care in Tanzania. With the rise in the prevalence of cancer in Tanzania, the proposed project will serve to accelerate performance in cancer screening, prevention and early detection targeting low-income groups through mobile outreach campaigns.
