A devastating flash flood hit Charikar City of Parwan Province, Afghanistan at 2:00 pm on 25 August 2020, killing 130 people and injuring 140 more, mostly women and children. The flood also destroyed 500 homes.
Even though the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) does not currently work in Parwan province, AKAH deployed its Search and Rescue Team (SARTs) to the affected area the same day, in coordination with the State Ministry for Disaster Management and Humanitarian Affairs (SMDM) of Afghanistan and the Ministry of Public Health (MoPH) of Afghanistan. The team of 14 volunteers, including six women, trained by AKAH and equipped with specialised tools and Personal Protection Equipment (PPE), provided timely search and rescue support to the affected families.
Community members and government partners valued this support, especially the assistance that female SART members were able to provide to women affected by the disaster. Besides search and rescue support, the day after the disaster, AKAH provided relief packages of Non-Food Items (NFIs) worth USD 55,800 to 100 affected families, from its stocks located in Baghlan and Kabul. The relief packages included family tents, kitchen kits, tarpaulins, hygiene kits, blankets, plastic sheets, gas cylinders for cooking fuel, and solar table lamps. AKAH distributed the relief packages to affected families in close cooperation with SMDM, MoPH and Provincial Government of Parwan province.
“We are thankful of AKAH and the support offered at this time and looking forward to our further partnerships,” said the ANDMA director in Parwan, Mr Nesar Ahmad Habibi.