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  • "Tackling COVID-19 together" video contest winners at an Aga Khan School in Osh, Kyrgyzstan.
    Ruslan Rahimov
Aga Khan School Osh
Aga Khan School students raise awareness on Covid-19 with short videos

Although they continue to study remotely, students from the Aga Khan School (AKS) in Osh thought of ways to help mitigate the spread and impact of Covid-19 amongst other students and in the broader community. One way to mitigate the spread was short videos. With support from their parents, many of them produced original, short information videos using various mobile applications.

“I was delighted by the creativity of the students and their performances in the videos. We can see how talented they are and dedicated to making a contribution to help tackle this global issue, which is directly impacting the school and families,” noted Aidana Matkasimova, the AKS Deputy Director.


The videos, such as the one embedded in the text, encourage students to become agents of change by helping alter attitudes and behaviour and putting into practice measures to protect themselves, their friends and their community.

“I would like to create more awareness among the students, by serving as a role model for others to promote healthy choices and personal hygiene, and encourage the students to practice it as long as required,” emphasised Abdildabekov Alibek, a grade 10 student. 

This article is adapted from an article published in the AKDN Kyrgyzstan's newsletter.