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  • In June 2013, Canada was hit with severe flooding across Southern Alberta. The community preparedness initiatives conducted by FOCUS Canada prior to the floods equipped the Ismaili Council and the regional Disaster Management Teams with the skills and tools to respond to the situation promptly and effectively.
  • FOCUS Canada and Regional Disaster Management Teams regularly monitor incidents and encourage communities: 1. Know the Risks, 2. Make a Plan and 3. Get an emergency kit.
    Wikimedia Commons / Wikiemon
  • In December 2013, a massive ice storm affected various areas of Ontario and Quebec, with freezing rain hitting most of Eastern Canada. Volunteers were engaged by FOCUS Canada to aid in the emergency response effort. A warming centre was activated, and the elderly and vulnerable were provided with basic needs.
    FOCUS / Adeel Liaqat Sheikh
  • Drawing on guidance from the Canadian Government, FOCUS Canada also encourages individuals and families, in particular the elderly and vulnerable, to be better prepared to face a range of emergencies and ensure they are self-sufficient for 72 hours after a disaster.
Focus Humanitarian Assistance (Canada)

Focus Humanitarian Assistance (FOCUS) has its first roots in Canada.  It was initially established in 1994 by the Ismaili community under the guidance of His Highness the Aga Khan to respond to emergency situations arising out of natural or man-made disasters.