July 2018 - Young photographers in Tajikistan, Kenya, Kyrgyzstan, India, Portugal and Canada have taken part in the Fred Roberts photography workshops. Each workshop (and online mentoring that follows) provides 20 high school aged students with strong photographic skills, building their confidence and turning them into professional quality photographers. The workshops are also intended to break down barriers between different social groups and build respect for diversity among the students and their photographic subjects.
Fred Roberts, former Chairman of NASDAQ turned world class photographer, leads a team of famous photographers. The team's mission is to empower high school aged students with the ability to express themselves through the medium of photography. The photographs tell vivid stories about the students’ lives and AKDN's work in remote rural area, in bustling cities, in impoverished communities and in world-class institutions – everything from hydropower schemes, microfinance, local markets, family life, early childhood development programmes, schools, healthcare, and community youth and seniors sports programmes. For more information, please see: http://fredricrobertsworkshops.org