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Aga Khan Trust for Culture - January / February 2008 Afghanistan Newsletter
REVISITING THE RESTORED SHUTURKHANA HAMMAM, KABUL OLD CITY Nearly two years have passed since the first AKTC Afghanistan Newsletter in June 2006, when the rehabilitation of the Shuturkhana hammam or bath-house in the old city of Kabul, was just completed. BAGHE BABUR TRUST A tripartite Memorandum of Understanding that sets out arrangements for the effective operation of Baghe Babur was signed by Kabul Municipality, the Ministry of Information and Culture and AKDN in Kabul on 16th of January 2008. HAFEZJI MOSQUE, HERAT OLD CITY During January, repair of the Hafezji mosque in Abdullah Mesri quarter in the old city of Herat was completed, using resources made available by the Cultural Emergency Response programme of the Prince Claus Fund of the Netherlands.