Future plans
The Aga Khan Agency for Microfinance serves as the umbrella organisation for the broader microfinance and inclusive finance activities of the Aga Khan Development Network. The AKDN has integrated financial inclusion into many areas of work across multiple member agencies over the past 60 years. AKAM was created in 2005 to serve as a center of excellence for design, delivery and learning related to the impact of these efforts as contributors to the overarching vision of delivering sustainable changes to the quality of life of low-income and unserved communities in key emerging markets, ultimately creating self-actualising ‘communities of opportunity.
The future of financial inclusion is changing rapidly today, with major new entrants including social media companies, disruptive technology service providers, peer-to-peer networks, telecommunications companies, and commercial banks, among others. The continuing focus for AKAM remains grounded in a commitment to understanding and responding sustainably and ethically to the needs and desires of critical segments of unserved clients in challenging market environments, and to serving as the anchor implementing and learning agency for financial inclusion within the broader AKDN family. Forging principled and effective partnerships with other actors in the broader financial inclusion ecosystem continues to be a core focus of AKAM efforts, especially in the future landscape of specialisation and mass-market technology disruption.
AKAM aims to continue to deepen focus and understanding of the needs of the individual customer, while simultaneously accessing the efficiency and outreach capabilities of emerging innovations in channel technology, customer experience, and data applications. AKAM maintains its long-term and unyielding commitment to delivering financial tools, services, insights and learning to enable unserved individuals, households, enterprises, and communities to exercise choice and control in realising their own financial and economic destinies within an inter-connected world of opportunity.