The Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) in Madagascar works through an ongoing collaboration between the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) and the Aga Khan Agency for Microfinance (AKAM), which operates in both rural and urban contexts in various parts of the country, working across agriculture, nutrition, climate adaptation, access to finance, improving value chains, and creating market linkages.
The success of the Aga Khan Foundation’s rice farming programme in Sofia, Madagascar has now reached 80,000 farmers and their families and is being scaled up to reach a majority of the rice cultivators in the country.
There are 13 branches of AKDN’s microfinance bank (Premiere Agence de Microfinance) in the Sofia region of Madagascar, which on average disburses 10,000+ loans per year.
In the Sofia region of Madagascar, rice yields have on average tripled in AKDN programme areas, enabling farmers to store enough food to carry their families through the “hungry” season.