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Aga Khan Education Services

Education during COVID-19: Learning from 100 days of lockdown in India

At the beginning of COVID-19, online classes were quickly organised – with confusion among teachers and mixed results for students. However, in some regions, Aga Khan Schools quickly transitioned to “virtual learning” that provided students with an engaging, developmentally appropriate learning experience as similar as possible to the in-person programme.

A new way of learning

It is a bit unusual for parents to proudly tell the teacher that their kids are glued to the television first thing in the morning. But when classrooms move to the TV screen, it is a great thing for a teacher to hear. But this is the kind of feedback Aga Khan Education Service, Pakistan (AKES,P) teachers are getting from across Gilgit-Baltistan and Chitral since AKES,P launched its Digital Learning Programme on 11 May, in the wake of school shutdowns due to the Coronavirus.
