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8 December 2021
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Celebrated every year, the International Day of People with Disabilities promotes the rights and well-being of persons with disabilities at every level of society and development. Dedicated to this day, the Centre of Sign Language and Deaf Education's (CSLDE) event entitled "Sport and Play for Entertainment and Happiness of People with Special Needs" on 5 December brought together international organisations, civil society, and People with Disabilities Associations to celebrate people who need to be heard. The Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH), together with the European Union and CSLDE, joined this UN annual initiative to reinforce the importance of securing the rights of people with disabilities so that they can participate fully, equally, and effectively in society with others and face no barriers in all aspects of their lives.  The EU Ambassador, Marilyn Josefson, stressed that the European Union and AKAH want to recognise the incredible potential of people living with disabilities through this project. "We offer our steadfast support in helping them to accomplish their personal goals, dreams and equal rights in society,” she said.