Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) Tajikistan Office jointly with the Aga Khan Foundation in Tajikistan (AKF) distributed agriculture inputs to the farmers in Khatlon province under the Pilot Project for Agribusiness Development in Tajikistan. “This project does not just provide agricultural seeds to farmers, but helps them learn how to increase income and improve their quality of life by using seeds and by providing training on planting techniques, “ said Mr. Takayuki Miyashita, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Japan to Tajikistan. Mr. Muneo Takasaka, Chief Representative of JICA Tajikistan Office, expressed his gratitude to the Government of Tajikistan and AKF and highlighted the importance of the agriculture sector in the economy of Tajikistan. He said “the project’s objective is to strengthen seed-revolving funds, which allows farmers to have access to high quality seeds, advanced agro-consulting services thorough the establishment of Agriculture Input Revolving Funds and construction of storages in all target districts”.