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Aga Khan Trust for Culture - November / December 2009 Afghanistan Newsletter
REVIVING SKILLS IN KABUL The improvement of livelihoods is an important aspect of AKTC's ongoing urban conservation programme in historic quarters of the old city of Ka­bul. TALES FROM THE WAKHAN In December, 'Tales From The Wak­han: Folklore and Archaeology of the Wakhan Corridor' will be published by AKTC and AKF. ROOF REPAIRS ON GODAM Emergency repairs were recently carried out by AKTC to the roof of the godam in the centre of the old city. QALA IKHTYARUDDIN As conservation work proceeds on the historic citadel of Qala Ikhtyaruddin, a series of huge banners have been hung in the niches facing the old city. IBN OMAR MOSQUE With 15 historic mosques conserved by AKTC and handed back to communities in the old city, work is continuing on the Ibn Omar mosque in Qutbe Chaq quarter.