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Aga Khan Rural Support Programme (India) - 2010 Annual Report

The year 2010 is significant in many other ways. The process of identifying and scaling up interventions which target the poorest reached a critical mass this year; and the majority of new institutions and programmes in 2010 were targeted towards the poorest. The programme in Bihar and South Gujarat expanded geographically while in coastal Saurashtra and Madhya Pradesh, there has been consolidation. By the end of 2010, AKRSP (India) was working in 1159 villages with 3804 village organizations, of which 60% were women’s groups. One major trend observed in agriculture is the shift to vegetable cultivation across all 3 states. Increasingly, vegetables are becoming a small farmers best option, requiring less land and water, more labour (which s/he has) and a good local market. More than 4500 farmers took up vegetable cultivation, 90% of whom were marginal and tribal farmers. Community institutions become increasingly self managed, and AKRSP(I) efforts to engage Panchayats in village planning showed results. Federations took over many roles played by AKRSP (India) so far.