In 2020, the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat, participated in a pilot project with Better Shelter, a Swedish social enterprise, SEEDS India, and other partners, to test Structure, a modular, low-cost emergency shelter which can be upgraded with local materials.
Each partner organization received flat-packed Structure units from Better Shelter to test in different locations in Afghanistan, India and Tajikistan. The Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) deployed these units in Afghanistan and Tajikistan -- testing their efficacy in high mountain environments -- using both tarpaulins and local materials to upgrade and adapt the units to local conditions and different uses.
Now Better Shelter, in partnership with AKAH and the Sustainable Environmental and Ecological Development Society (SEEDS), has released its report (July 2021) on the "Preliminary Assessment of the Pilot Structure Approach to Humanitarian Sheltering".