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  • Leah Kamau (pictured at centre), the Head Nurse at Kampala Hospital, trained at AKU-SONAM in Uganda. Currently studying for her Master’s, Leah wants Kampala Hospital to be recognised as the best maternity centre in and around Kampala.
    AKU / Samuel Mwangi
  • AKU-SONAM alumna Pendo Bukori (right) is a Cervical Cancer Screening Field Officer at Tanzania Health Promotion Support (THPS) – a nonprofit organisation that works in collaboration with the Ministry of Health. Her work ensures that Tanzanian women are screened for cervical cancer and treated as early as possible.
    AKU / Hendri Lombard
  • The School of Nursing and Midwifery in East Africa (SONAM EA) provides clinical upgrading programmes in nursing and midwifery for working nurses in East Africa.
    AKU / Sala Lewis
  • Post-RM Bachelor of Science in Midwifery students performing basic health assessments of children at Rehri Goth, a fishermen's village on the outskirts of Karachi. Community service is part of the curriculum of all the undergraduate and graduate programmes offered at AKU's School of Nursing & Midwifery in Pakistan.
    AKDN / Atif Abbas
  • School of Nursing and Midwifery, Kampala, Uganda.
    AKDN / Christopher Wilton-Steer
Schools of nursing and midwifery

A recognised leader in the field of nursing education in the developing world, the Aga Khan University (AKU) has recorded numerous firsts in the course of educating nearly 6,000 nursing leaders in Pakistan and East Africa.

In Pakistan, AKU’s School of Nursing and Midwifery has been a national leader for 40 years and has played a key role in improving the reputation and practice of the nursing profession.  It was the first nursing school in Pakistan to be affiliated with a university, the first to offer a Bachelor of Science in Nursing and the first to offer a Master of Science in Nursing.  

The School’s impact on the development of nursing in Pakistan has been remarkable.  Its curriculum has served as a template for the national nursing curriculum and its focus on community health has inspired other schools to follow its example.  In 2001, the University began offering nursing degree programmes in East Africa, and has since educated 2,100 nurses in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda.


AKU nurses on assignment in Morogoro, Tanzania.
In East Africa and Pakistan, AKU-educated nurses act as change agents and leaders by providing outstanding care and by helping to improve the quality of care provided by other nurses.  AKU's alumni lead nursing schools, serve as hospital head nurses and help professional organisations.

An external review of the School’s first 25 years conducted by an international panel of nursing leaders reported that “the performance of the graduates in moving the nursing profession forward within Pakistan and internationally is impressive.  Further, its role in the development of women within Pakistan and the Islamic context is incomparable and exceedingly important.

In just over 25 years, it has demonstrated immense development, which will ensure that it will hold an important place in the history of the nursing profession.”  In 2013, the School recorded its latest first when it launched the first Bachelor of Science in Midwifery degree programme in Pakistan.