The Aga Khan Development Network donates PPE, equipment to Busia hospital
The Aga Khan Development Network (AKDN) in collaboration with the European Union has donated Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) to Busia County Referral Hospital (BCRH). The multi-sector programme is helping to strengthen existing health responses and increase awareness of prevention strategies and support mechanisms; while also minimising the socio-economic impact of the crisis among the young and vulnerable. The project is also supporting the establishment of a digital online platform for use by the health workers to learn on Covid-19 response and management through procurement and installation of conference equipment. The e-health learning equipment donated to The County Referral Hospital include cameras, microphones, speakers, TV screens and desktop computers. "The PPEs and e-health learning equipment will go a long way in supporting the county's health workers to provide quality services to Covid-19 patients," said Kennedy Mulama, the Project Manager, Aga Khan Hospital Kisumu.