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Women's voices from Central Eurasia

Performance Finder

Women's voices from Central Eurasia




“Bardic Divas” celebrates the artistic talent and diverse performance traditions of exceptional female singers and instrumentalists from Central Eurasia. The “divas” presented in this concert come from seven countries: Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan. Each performer is a master of a culturally unique tradition that has evolved within its own social and artistic world. Some of these traditions are specific to female performers and have typically been performed within a social milieu restricted to women. In other cases, female musicians have appropriated traditions dominated by men.

Performance Years: 2012

Artists in this Performance:

Artist Name Country of Origin Instruments
Byambajargal Gombodorj Mongolia
Ulzhan Baibussynova Kazakhstan
Raushan Orozbaeva Kazakhstan
Adinai Kudabaeva Kyrgyz Republic
Nodira Pirmatova Uzbekistan
Tawus Annamyradova Turkmenistan
Fargana Qasimova
Ozoda Ashurova Tajikistan