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How to teach students about access to education

Over the past 18 months, the pandemic made educational inequalities more visible. The partial closure of schools and move to remote teaching for most students shone a spotlight on the issue of access to education, with often the poorest students missing out. Addressing gender equality, Maina WaGῖokõ, Vice Principal at the Aga Khan Academy in Mombasa, trains the trainers that lead a programme called Connecting Classrooms, which are professional development courses for teachers in Sub-Saharan Africa. He explains how both he and his teachers benefited hugely from being grouped with schools from around the world on the virtual learning platform to explore different ways of teaching the topic. “Teachers don’t just learn about the idea of gendered access to education,” says Dr WaGῖokõ. “They also learn how to deliver their lessons in a gender-responsive way. “

AKDN interview with Bronwen Magrath on improving schools

The Aga Khan Foundation's work – in education and in other social sectors – has always been about working alongside communities.  Schools2030 builds on this experience as it works in partnership with teachers, schools, local education authorities and governments to nurture learning improvement from the school and community level. 

Aga Khan School, Dhaka celebrates Graduation ceremony for academic year 2020-21

The Graduation Ceremony of the Aga Khan School, Dhaka, for the Academic Year 2020-21, was held recently as a virtual event. Amyn Saleh, Chairman of the Aga Khan Education Service, Bangladesh congratulated the class of 2021 for their perseverance and persistence throughout their school years. He addressed how this graduation ceremony celebrated years of education that motivated these young learners to gain knowledge, skills, attitudes, and values to thrive in a complex, dynamic and diverse world. Chief Guest Munir M Merali, Resident Diplomatic Representative of AKDN in Bangladesh, recognised and congratulated the exceptional class of graduates. He motivated them to fully embrace the role of being 'authentic leaders' who are fearlessly explorative and sincerely empathetic.

20 Years of cooperation between the Kyrgyz Republic and AKDN – Developing future leaders

This year marks the 20th anniversary of bilateral relations between the Aga Khan Development Network and the Kyrgyz Republic. This collaboration has sparked hope in people throughout the country working to improve their communities and their overall quality of life.  In this video, Munarbek, a graduate of the Aga Khan School in Osh, shares his reflections on how the school has contributed to his professional career and personal development.

The first Convocation of the University of Central Asia

Speech Date: 
Saturday, 19 June 2021 - 6:15pm

“I take this opportunity today to salute the parents of this first class of graduating students, who trusted us with their wards and believed in UCA when it was not entirely physically present and when the faculty was not there,” said Prof. Dr. S. Sohail H. Naqvi. “They saw with their mind’s eye, beyond what was not yet apparent. Today we have the opportunity to repay your trust in us...”

The first Convocation of the University of Central Asia

Speech Date: 
Saturday, 19 June 2021 - 6:00pm

“Some 12 centuries ago, Al-Kindi, the great philosopher said, ‘We respect education because it teaches us values,’ said Shamsh Kassim-Lakha, Chairman of the Board of Trustees.  “It is our earnest hope that as you progress through personal and professional lives, you will be guided by the values imparted by this University:  the values of honesty, integrity, respect for diversity and the practice of sound ethics in whatever you do.”
