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Aga Khan Foundation

Schools2030 official teaser

“…Most large-scale international education reform initiatives start with a globally designed intervention to improve learning outcomes. At Schools2030 we flip this mindset and start from the classroom level – we believe educational change can only happen when it is initiated and owned by teachers, learners and school communities,” says Dr Bronwen Magrath, Global Programme Manager at the Aga Khan Foundation and lead of the Schools2030 initiative.


Training women and men as first responders in disaster-prone areas of Gilgit-Baltistan

In the mountainous areas of Gilgit-Baltistan prone to floods, avalanches and rock fall, the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat is training local communities – women and men alike – to step up as first responders capable of providing rescue, relief and protection during emergency situations.   


Improving the health of women and girls in rural Tanzania (French)

From 2017 to 2021 the Aga Khan Foundation, in collaboration with the Government of Tanzania, civil society partners and local communities and with the financial support of Global Affairs Canada, undertook a US$ 11.6 million project that reached about 1 million people and was dedicated to improving the health of women, adolescent girls and children, and reducing maternal and newborn mortality in eight underserved districts of Mwanza, Tanzania. 


Improving the health of women and girls in rural Tanzania

From 2017 to 2021 the Aga Khan Foundation, in collaboration with the Government of Tanzania, civil society partners and local communities and with the financial support of Global Affairs Canada, undertook a US$ 11.6 million project that reached about 1 million people and was dedicated to improving the health of women, adolescent girls and children, and reducing maternal and newborn mortality in eight underserved districts of Mwanza, Tanzania. 


Accelerate Prosperity and Aga Khan University launch Pakistan’s first National Health Incubator

Accelerate Prosperity and the Aga Khan University have launched Pakistan’s first National Health Incubator to support entrepreneurs grow new technology, innovation and services, and catalyse commercialisation in the country’s health sector.

A new platform for teachers to share best practices straight from their classrooms

“Schools should be the centre of social change, not the target of change. This platform gives teachers a way to reclaim the discourse about ‘what works’ to improve holistic learning outcomes in some of the most challenging contexts in the world,” said Dr Andrew Cunningham, the Global Lead for Education at the Aga Khan Foundation.

