University of Central Asia
The University of Central Asia
Naryn Centre for Entrepreneurship to create jobs for youth
The Naryn Centre for Entrepreneurship at UCA’s School of Professional and Continuing Education is working with youth from the region’s mountain communities, helping them to acquire the skills and confidence to forge employment opportunities for themselves.
Preparing students in mountain communities for university
To enable more students living in remote mountain areas to enter reputable universities, the University of Central Asia and the Aga Khan Foundation are delivering a suite of courses in English, Information Technology, Mathematics and Science at 11 schools in Gorno-Badakhshan Autonomous Oblast.
"Voices from the Roof of the World" film series launch
As part of preparations for the climate change COP26 summit in Glasgow, a film series “Voices from the Roof of the World” – a joint initiative of the Aga Khan University, Aga Khan Agency for Habitat, Aga Khan Foundation and University of Central Asia – was launched Sunday 31 October 2021 on TV and online.
Khorog Centre for Entrepreneurship brings hope to local businesses
In the mountainous Gorno-Badakhshan region of Tajikistan, businesses ravaged by the COVID pandemic have found new hope in the opening of the Khorog Centre for Entrepreneurship by the University of Central Asia’s School of Professional and Continuing Education. Activities will support new emerging and existing businesses and promote the development of young people.
UCA Annual Report 2020
The UCA Annual Report highlights major University initiatives, events, and accomplishments during 2020.
The first class: Making history at the University of Central Asia
To help celebrate the University of Central Asia's inaugural graduating Class of 2021, the Aga Khan Foundation caught up with some of the new alumni to hear their stories.
The first Convocation of the University of Central Asia
“I take this opportunity today to salute the parents of this first class of graduating students, who trusted us with their wards and believed in UCA when it was not entirely physically present and when the faculty was not there,” said Prof. Dr. S. Sohail H. Naqvi. “They saw with their mind’s eye, beyond what was not yet apparent. Today we have the opportunity to repay your trust in us...”