Educating future leaders
If education is considered one of the core components of lasting development, it follows that the quality of that education would be a major determinant of success.
If education is considered one of the core components of lasting development, it follows that the quality of that education would be a major determinant of success.
An important lesson arising from AKDN experience has been that there are few area development contexts in which a single institution can have the necessary impact on the quality of life.
The aim of the Academies is to educate boys and girls of great integrity, understanding and generosity of spirit.
Over the last 40 years, fostering the growth of transparent, democratically elected village organisations has been at the centre of the efforts of AKDN agencies, particularly in rural development.
Le prix Aga-Khan pour l'architecture dans le monde musulman a été remis hier à sept lauréats. Fruit de trois ans d'enquêtes, il récompense autant des prouesses technologiques que des abris de fortune.