Aga Khan Education Services
The students of Aga Khan Secondary School in Karachi won the All-Pakistan Bilingual (English and Urdu) Declamation Contest that was held at Defence Authority Degree College in Karachi on February 9th. The young speakers eloquently spoke on various serious and humorous topics displaying their brilliance, talent, oratory skills and art of persuasion. In English and Urdu speeches, the speakers used innovative and imaginative techniques and debating prowess to present their point of view effectively.
Há mais de 100 anos que a Rede Aga Khan para o Desenvolvimento (AKDN) tem procurado assegurar a estudantes de todas as idades o acesso a oportunidades de educação de qualidade e equipá-los com conhecimento, competências, atitudes e valores que os ajudem a interagir eficazmente com o mundo e a con
- The Skill of Conservation and the Conservation of Skill
- AKU to boost maternal and child health with $25m grant from Gates Foundation
- First MicroFinanceBank setting new milestones of success in Punjab
- 57,000 people to access safe drinking water through public private p
Sultan Mohamed Shah Aga Khan School, one of over 150 schools run by the Aga Khan Education Service, Pakistan (AKES,P), celebrated its 50th anniversary in the presence of current and former students, teachers and staff. The Vice Chancellor of the University of Karachi, Professor Dr. Muhammad Qaiser, was the chief guest at the event held at the Aga Khan University Hospital auditorium.
АКДН поддерживает создание институтов и программ, которые помогают развивать экономически активную, политически стабильную, интеллектуально и культурно динамичную Кыргызскую Республику.
АКДН экономикалык активдүү, саясий туруктуу, интеллектуалдык жана маданий жагынан көрүнүктүү Кыргыз Республикасын өнүктүрүүгө жардам берген мекемелер менен программаларды колдоп келүүдө.
AKDN supports the establishment of institutions and programmes that help develop an economically dynamic, politically stable and intellectually and culturally vibrant Kyrgyz Republic.
Kampala, Uganda, 27 September 2016 – Students from the Aga Khan High School Kampala’s debate team will participate in the Tournament of Champions to be held at Yale University in the United States this November. The 10 students, aged 11-17 years, triumphed at the World Scholars Cup held in Bangkok, Thailand this past June. They were selected from the participant group comprised of 3200 students from over 50 countries.
Hilal Hemed Hilal had an impressive performance at the Aquatics Stadium during the 2016 Rio Olympics. Competing in the 50m freestyle, Hilal broke a new national record for Tanzania, winning the heat in 23.70 seconds.
The Aga Khan Early Learning Centre is proud to achieve the UK National Day Nurseries Association (NDNA) Level 3 accreditation. This award is the highest award given by the NDNA and the Aga Khan Early Learning Centre is the first and only nursery to achieve this level of certification in the UAE.