Focus and World Bank agree natural hazard and poverty reduction project for High Mountain areas
The World Bank and Focus Humanitarian Assistance (FOCUS) have agreed to implement an innovative project aimed at reducing poverty in high-mountain areas around Lake Sarez.
AKFED to set up Afghanistan's first microfinance bank
Aga Khan creates new 30-hectare park in Historic Cairo (Media Advisory)
The creation of the 30-hectare (74-acre) Al-Azhar park, undertaken in the historic district of Cairo by the Aga Khan Trust for Culture, is proving to be a catalyst for urban renewal in one of the most congested cities in the world.
AKFED is joined by IFC, EBRD and governments of Germany and Japan in launch of Kyrgyz Republic's largest bank
L'exposition « Masterpieces of the Aga Khan Museum » ouvre au Musée Calouste Gulbenkian de Lisbonne
"The Path of Princes: Masterpieces of the Aga Khan Museum Collection" exhibition at the Calouste Gulbenkian Museum in Lisbon was officially opened today by Emílio Rui Vilar, President of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation and Prince Amyn Aga Khan, who was representing his brother, His Highness the Aga Khan.
La Première Banque de Microfinance, Pakistan en haut du classement MIX Global 100
La Première Banque de Microfinance, Pakistan (FMBF-P), une institution de l'Agence Aga Khan pour la microfinance (AKAM), figure à la 14e place dans le Classement des institutions de microfinance MIX Global 100 de 2007.
Une subvention japonaise d’un million de dollars administrée par la Banque mondiale pour le nord du Pakistan
Une subvention de 959 239 dollars a été signée aujourd’hui avec la Fondation Aga Khan (AKF) afin de diminuer la précarité économique et sociale dans le nord du Pakistan au travers de l’amélioration des conditions de logement et de vie.
Création de la Première Agence de Microassurance au Pakistan
L’agence proposera une assurance vie, maladie et hospitalisation abordable à des centaines de milliers de personnes démunies au Pakistan.
Aga Khan announces Om Habibeh Foundation grant for Aswan
His Highness the Aga Khan today announced a grant for medical equipment by the Om Habibeh Foundation.