Work on flood protection schemes completed in Chitral village
Authorities have completed work on various schemes designed to protect people of the Arkari valley in the Chitral district from devastating floods. The floods are more frequent in summers and wash away homes, rendering many homeless and damaging their property.
Green Building and Design
Aga Khan School, Dhaka celebrates Graduation ceremony for academic year 2020-21
The Graduation Ceremony of the Aga Khan School, Dhaka, for the Academic Year 2020-21, was held recently as a virtual event. Amyn Saleh, Chairman of the Aga Khan Education Service, Bangladesh congratulated the class of 2021 for their perseverance and persistence throughout their school years.
Sustainability is a synonym of beauty: In Conversation with Anna Heringer
German architect Anna Heringer outlines the way she works and her multi-disciplinary approach to architectural practice.
Entrevue de l’AKDN avec Sultan Allana : favoriser l'inclusion financière
En tant qu’administrateur du Fonds Aga Khan pour le développement économique, M. Sultan Allana explique comment les investissements financiers font partie intégrante de l’engagement de l’AKDN pour le développement durable des entreprises et de l’emploi, pourquoi les banques sont essentielles au développement, comment la microfinance a évolué, et comment la digitalisation a aidé les banques à atteindre une population qui autrement n’a pas accès aux services financiers formels.
Journée internationale des femmes et des filles de science
Aujourd’hui, nous célébrons la Journée internationale des femmes et des filles de science. Dans cette vidéo, trois professeures de sciences des Académies Aga Khan de Hyderabad, de Mombasa et de Dhaka évoquent leurs expériences et donnent des conseils aux jeunes filles qui souhaitent suivre des études supérieures en sciences.
International Day of Education from the Aga Khan Academies
Despite the adversities we are facing today, the Aga Khan Academies is committed to its mission and vision in providing exceptional teaching and developing globally-minded students who will contribute positively to their communities and the world. Happy International Day of Education to everyone!
Architecture et édifices écologiques
An online panel discussion exploring experiences and techniques in green and environmentally sensitive building and design in South and Central Asia.