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AKDN interview with Gilbert Atukunda: World Teachers’ Day 2021

Gilbert Atukunda, English Language and Literature teacher at the Aga Khan High School, Kampala, works with students and teachers to build a spoken word poetry tradition that empowers students to express themselves with confidence.  “That attachment all the students have towards poetry, the opportunity they receive to freely discuss their passions, and the peer review and collaborative sessions brings everyone together and a part of a bigger picture, which I think gives the students that sense of social belonging they deserve within a school.”

Frigoken Limited: Investing in sustainability and workplace wellness as part of our DNA

Frigoken Limited – a project company of the Aga Khan Fund for Economic Development – is the largest vegetable processor in East and Central Africa.  In this video, produced by Global Compact Network Kenya as part of its Sustainable Development Goals in Action series, Frigoken’s CEO Mr Karim Dostmohamed discusses the company's investment in all-round workplace wellness to advance corporate sustainability.  He details why this move was a business imperative for Frigoken and why other Kenyan companies should follow suit.

Khushbu Kotak: Academy alumna creates free counselling service for youth

Growing up in an environment where mental health is sidelined, Khushbu Kotak, an alumna from the Aga Khan Academy in Mombasa, Kenya, believed her feelings and opinions were often suppressed, leading her to feel unsupported. After going through counselling herself, she began efforts to destigmatise mental health well-being and started a counselling service for youth called Salama (“Safe”) Minds.

Accès à des soins de qualité par l’expansion et le renforcement des systèmes de santé (AQCESS) (Français)

Entre 2016 et 2021, la Fondation Aga Khan a entrepris un projet dont l’objectif était d’améliorer la santé et le bien-être des femmes et des enfants de moins de cinq ans au Kenya, au Mali, au Mozambique et au Pakistan en collaboration avec les gouvernements et les communautés à l’échelle locale et avec le soutien financier d’Affaires mondiales Canada. Au total, 1,7 million de personnes, dont 60 % de femmes et de filles, ont bénéficié de ce projet d’une valeur de 24 millions de dollars, nommé « Accès à des soins de qualité par l’expansion et le renforcement des systèmes de santé » (AQCESS).

Access to Quality Care through Extending and Strengthening Health Systems (AQCESS) (English)

From 2016 to 2021 the Aga Khan Foundation, in collaboration with local governments and communities and with the financial support of Global Affairs Canada, undertook a project dedicated to improving the health and well-being of women and children under five in Kenya, Mali, Mozambique and Pakistan.  The US$ 24 million project – Access to Quality Care through Extending and Strengthening Health Systems (AQCESS) – reached 1.7 million people, 60 percent of them women and girls.
