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Rebuilding the Health Infrastructure in Afghanistan

2 декабрь 2021 - 3:44pm -- cecile
Project/Country Description: 

In Afghanistan, with just two doctors for every 10,000 people, it is difficult for the country’s 30 million people to obtain timely access to quality health care. The construction of the new Bamyan Hospital in Afghanistan was funded by the Government of Canada and the Government of France and includes paediatric services such as therapeutic feeding, neonatal intensive care, vaccination and TB-DOTS for effective treatment of tuberculosis. It is part of AKDN’s broader health system, which provides quality primary and curative health care to over 1.6 million Afghans every year. Photo: AKDN / Kiana Hayeri. Learn more.

Fact Description: 

Each year, in collaboration with its partners, AKDN provides 6 million people with quality health care.

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