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Mountains matter

6 декабрь 2021 - 1:42pm -- cecile
Project/Country Description: 

In some of the most rugged, high-altitude valleys in Afghanistan, Tajikistan and northern Pakistan, the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat (AKAH) has successfully deployed drones to map and monitor geo-hazards and risks, including the size, condition and movement of glaciers and glacial lakes. 

As the frequency of disasters increases because of climate change, these technologies will help AKAH identify the level of risk for these communities and undertake interventions that will make the villages more resilient. Photo: In Tajikistan, the Khorog Urban Resilience Programme trains community members in gabion weaving so that they can help construct disaster mitigation walls. AKDN. Learn more.

Fact Description: 

AKAH is working with more than 2,000 mountain communities empowering them with data, world-class planning and best practices in disaster risk reduction and safe, sustainable construction to build a better future.

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