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Aga Khan Health Services in East Africa

7 декабрь 2021 - 9:57am -- cecile
Project/Country Description: 

Children and mothers gather at the Aga Khan Medical Centre in Kisii, which was expanded in 2019 into a 24-hour inpatient and outpatient facilities with an operating theatre, x-ray and ultrasound tests, dental and eye services, physiotherapy and specialist clinics. Photo: AKDN / Lucas Cuervo Moura. Learn more.

Fact Description: 

The Aga Khan Health Services operate facilities in Kenya and Tanzania that provide health care to over 700,000 patients per year.

The AKDN works in some of the poorest and most remote areas of the planet to help people gain better access to quality healthcare services.  It operates one of the largest non-profit private healthcare systems in the developing world – and has maintained one for over 100 years.  By running community health projects and training thousands of nurses, midwives and doctors whose skills in turn transform healthcare systems – as well as conducting globally recognised operational and scientific research – the AKDN endeavours to ensure the highest level of health and well-being.    

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