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Aga Khan Health Services

Securing children's health in the face of pandemic

According to Dr Mariam Noorani, pediatrician and lactation consultant who heads the Department of Pediatrics at the Aga Khan Hospital in Dar es Salaam, vaccines are life-saving interventions for children. She states categorically: "The World Health Organisation recommends that children should continue to get their routine vaccinations during the time of the pandemic while maintaining the necessary precautions. Missing vaccinations can result in outbreaks of preventable diseases like measles."

Portuguese Energy Company to sponsor Tanzania solar power project at Aga Khan Hospital

Portuguese electric utilities company (EDP) will sponsor eight sustainable and renewable energy projects in Tanzania, Kenya, Malawi, Mozambique, and Nigeria to promote access to clean energy in particularly remote and underprivileged areas and to help tackle energy poverty in that region. EDP selected partners to work with;  the Aga Khan Foundation (AKF) was chosen for Tanzania. AKF proposed the creation of the Mwanza Solar Switch, a 39.6 kWp solar system for the Aga Khan Hospital in Tanzania, and eight solar water heating devices. The goal is to avoid the frequent power outages, cut on the electricity bill, and replace the diesel consumption of backup generators.

Aga Khan Health Services launches emergency response centre for Covid-19 patients in Mastuj, Chitral

A 20-bed emergency response centre for Covid-19 patients, established by the Aga Khan Health Services, Pakistan (AKHS,P), was recently inaugurated in Mastuj, Upper Chitral. In addition, to supplement existing services in Upper and Lower Chitral, AKHS,P’s facilities have been further strengthened to facilitate Covid-19 patients at both the primary and the secondary levels. The Aga Khan University Hospital and global health experts have also provided training to AKHS,P clinical personnel on various aspects of Covid-19 related treatment.



AKHS, P launches emergency response centre in Mastuj, Chitral

A 20-bed emergency response centre for Covid-19 patients, established by the Aga Khan Health Services, Pakistan, was recently inaugurated in Mastuj, Upper Chitral. The Centre is the third emergency response centre to be established in Chitral, following those recently established at Booni and Garamchashma to respond to the rising number of infections. Construction for the purpose-built facility has been carried out by the Aga Khan Agency for Habitat.
