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  • AKDN's microfinance lending activities.
    AKDN/Lucas Cuervo Moura
Financial inclusion
Loans for income-generating activities

A significant part of the Aga Khan Development Network's (AKDN) microfinance lending activities support social sectors, including housing, education, and health. These loans have a direct impact on the clients as they meet their day-to-day needs. Loans for income-generating activities continue to represent the largest proportion of loans provided. These loans to small business entrepreneurs cover a large spectrum of sectors and industries, ranging from livestock, planting, trading or production. For those too poor, marginalised or remote to access services from microfinance institutions, AKDN provides a communtiy-based savings group programme. Though relatively informal, these savings groups play a significant role in promoting financial inclusion. "The assets of borrowers, accumulated through great effort over many years, can be destroyed overnight. Families are then forced to make the same difficult climb out of poverty a second or even a third time. By creating a wider range of better targeted products such as micro-insurance, the poor will have the ability to protect their assets". His Highness the Aga Khan speaking at the inauguration of the Aga Khan Agency for Microfinance, Geneva - 22 February 2005.